



Can anyone link me to some Symfony resources, they are hard to find. I am having a little trouble understanding how to use it correctly. Like with CodeIgniter to use the security helper you would load it doing this:


And you would use its functions you would do something like this:

$data = $this->input->xss_clean($data);

But with Smyfony to redirect someone to a 404 page, you need to use the sfAction class and the redirect404() api. So could anyone explain or link me a good tutorial?


I would highly recommend you set aside a few hours and read through the Practical Symfony tutorial. It goes through all the basics from project start to end.

Symfony, although a great framework, has a steep learning curve. This tutorial really helps you understand how it works, from the basics to more advanced stuff.

Stephen Melrose
Ya, I have gotten through about half of it, its just I would prefer if it was a blog tutorial, it feels so.. Out of spirit, its like a programming tutorial that does not use "Hello World!"..
Dr Hydralisk
Was just using the 404 as an example, but thank you for the link, very helpful.
Dr Hydralisk
@Dr Hydralisk: Ah, missed that. I've updated my answer with a few resource links, hope that helps.
thanks dude, very helpful!
Dr Hydralisk