How to write to the first element of an array?
I know reset can return the first element... but you can not use it to write to it.
How to write to the first element of an array?
I know reset can return the first element... but you can not use it to write to it.
Anything wrong with $yourarray[0] = $value
If you don't want to overwrite the first element, try "array_unshift":
EDIT: ok, use this for non-numerical keys:
$key = key($yourarray);
$yourarray[$key] = $newvalue;
Do you mean prepend the array with a value?
- this is costly, rebuilding the array.
That's called an "associative array" or a "hash". Technically, it doesn't have an order. You may have an item that you've put in first, but that's only incidental.