



We would like to cryptographically (SHA-256) hash a secret value in our database. Since we want to use this as a way to lookup individual records in our database, we cannot use a different random salt for each encrypted value.

My question is: given unlimited access to our database, and given that the attacker knows at least one secret value and hashed value pair, is it possible for the attacker to reverse engineer the cryptographic key? IE, would the attacker then be able to reverse all hashes and determine all secret values?

It seems like this defeats the entire purpose of a cryptographic hash if it is the case, so perhaps I'm missing something.

+2  A: 

In short, yes.

But brute-forcing a hash is something different than reverse-engineering the algorithm ... and when it is possible to reverse-engineer the algorithm you don't need computing power anymore. (where reverse-engineering is the wrong word - it's more like building a reverse algorithm, and that is not possible until now)
Not a helpful answer - "enough computing power" can be brought to a brute force attack to crack just about any key (not one-time-pads, obviously), but if that's the only attack that's available to you, and with a large key-space, that's still a pretty secure system.
Aidan Cully
I believe the original usage of reverse engineering, was meant in terms to *reconstruct* the shared secret key, not necessary by a cryptographic attack of the SHA-256 algorithm. While attacking (or _reversing_) the SHA-256 algorithm could be _sufficient_ to reconstruct or recover the original shared secret key, it is not _necessary_ recover the key. For example if the search space is small enough or the search time (or computation power) is long enough, then a brute force method would suffice.
_""enough computing power" can be brought to a brute force attack to crack just about any key"_ - Actually no. Brute-forcing a 2^256 keyspace (search an average of 2^128 keys before finding a solution, on average) is *not* physically feasible using know algorithms, and the sum of known computing power on a single task. Ref:
IMO the link (_recommended usage of HMAC vs. plain hash_) is more useful than the answer (which is wrong due to assumption of computation power).
@mctylr - I was thinking mathematically, not scientifically. There exists a physical limit on possible computational power in the universe to which we have access - call it P. P + 1 is still measured in computational power, and still possible to reason about, even if (by definition) unfeasible. The lack of discussion about the "feasibility" of bringing the required amount of computing power to bear is most of what I consider unhelpful about the answer here.
Aidan Cully
Great link. It was the most informative discussion of this issue that I've read. Thanks!
@Aidan Cully, I understand, and agree. The cryptography we use daily in banking and online (SSL, SSH) is not secure in the information theoretic sense, but it is (as best we know currently) secure in practice due to those physical, and cryptographic limitations. IMHO cryptography has bigger slippery slope than computing, in terms of theoretic versus practice. Good luck to @recampbell.
HMACs are for message authentication, not for for privacy. It's ironic that the cited article begins by complaining about incorrect application of cryptographic algorithms then finishes with a recommendation to use HMACs for privacy.
@erickson: Are you saying that HMACs are not a better way to hash with salt when storing passwords?
Steven Sudit
@Steven Sudit: I think that a key derivation function like PKCS #5's PBKDF2 is the best hash-based method for authentication passwords. PBKDF2 takes a salt and a password, and performs many (thousands are recommended) iterations of the hash function. HMAC has some similarities, but only applies the hash twice; PBKDF2 will take hundreds of times longer to try the same list of most likely passwords.
@erickson: Sounds like bcrypt.
Steven Sudit
Yes, it's the same principle, even though the details vary a bit. I compare them here:
@erickson: Interesting. Thanks.
Steven Sudit
-1 for answer so misleading I would say it's downright wrong.
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft

Yes it's possible, but not in this lifetime.

@Pentium10: you can't be sure of that ;)
...barring new developments. And of course, the attacker could get lucky, even with current options. The odds are against, but they're just odds.
T.J. Crowder
+1  A: 

No, a SHA hash is not reversible (at least not easily). When you Hash something if you need to reverse it you need to reconstruct the hash. This is usually done with a private (salt) and public key.

For example, if I'm trying to prevent access based off my user id. I would hash my user id and the salt. Let say MD5 for example. My user id is "12345" and the salt is "abcde"

So I will hash the string "12345_abcde", which return a hash of "7b322f78afeeb81ad92873b776558368"

Now I will pass to the validating application the hash and the public key, "12345" which is the public key and the has.

The validating application, knows the salt, so it hashes the same values. "12345_abcde", which in turn would generate the exact same hash. I then compare the hash i validated with the one passed off and they match. If I had somehow modified the public key without modifying the hash, a different has would have been generated resulting in a mismatch.

Danny G
+5  A: 
Ok, but in the absence of salt, if all they're doing is hashing a sequence, it would be a trivial rainbow table to create.
Steven Sudit
Even creating a rainbow table even for 8 printable characters isn't trivial. Creating a rainbow table for 128-bit values is impossible.
I'm thinking of a case where the domain of plaintext is very well known, such as hashing a sequence of numbers. You can hash the first n, for any value of n that you have time for.
Steven Sudit
Such a case is what I was referring to when I said, "When a hash is attacked successfully, it is usually because the original message was from a small space. … To avoid this, it's important to choose the 'secret value' randomly from a large space."
Ok, I think we're entirely on the same page.
Steven Sudit