At a consulting assignment they are using Subsonic 3.x (latest) which uses the T4 Code Templating Engine (rather than CodeSmith like 2.x did)
When we run it on our DBMS that has ~ 1 thousand tables we run into an error generating the Structs.cs file. T4/Subsonic generates fine on smaller DBs....
An Exception was thrown while running the transformation code. The process cannot continue. The following Exception was thrown:
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Object '/f9ce56f8_409c_4465_b81c_5272c8d764dc/dbet1oh1u2djvp2ildubn9nb_25.rem' has been disconnected or does not exist at the server. at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.TransformationRunner.get_Errors() at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.Engine.CompileAndRunCode(String generatorCode, ITextTemplatingEngineHost host, TemplateProcessingSession session) C:\Users\BlahBlahUserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\EdsTry\EdSub\ActiveRecord\
This leads to two questions
has anyone seen this and know any workarounds when T4 blows up on large files?
And once I solve that can I modify subsonic so it generates less files (say 1,000 class files rather than 1 large class file)
Vstudio chokes on the large class files it generates if we include the Subsonic generation stiuff in our main project so we do it in separate project and reference the resulting DLL but surely there must be a way to generate several hundred class files from subsonic vs. 1 file with several hundred classes in it.