



I'm returning a PHP array from a function and want to display in a tabular format with appropriate links in their respective cells.This works fine in IE7(Windows 7) but the links r not clickable in firefox 3.5.7. Here is the little of code :

<td>Monday<?echo "<br>" . $date[1];?></td>

<td><? if($timetable['mon']['1']!=""){ ?>
 <a href="staff_attendance_list.php?pid=mon-1">
   <?  echo $timetable['mon']['1'];} else echo "I";?>

I would recommend using Webdeveloper plugin for Firefox. Once you have that installed...

Right click on the cell -> inspect element. You can view the source and see if an anchor tag is indeed there. If it is and the text isn't clickable or you can't highlight it then you may have a CSS issue.

If that is the case, this is completely an assumption because I don't know what the rest of your layout looks like but it might be that you have a z-index issue and another element (transparent) is blocking the anchor tags from being clickable. My reasoning behind this assumption is because IE handles z-index's differently and its working in IE.

Still can't figure out whats the problem.. I'm not using any z index. though using a jQuery menu located sideby the table 8x12 table.

I got the answer it was a CSS problem. Figured it out as ricebowl suggested. Thanks a lot to all.
