Hello, I am trying to use the Rest-client gem to do a few small tasks for my app which uses Authlogic to authenticate users. From Rest-Client's API, I see that one can post data necessary for the log-in process like this:
require 'rest_client'
RestClient.post "", {:user_session => {:username => 'myusername', :password => 'mypassword'}}.to_json, :content_type => :json, :accept => :json
Looking at my development log, I see that the app has logged in me and redirected me correctly to the user's private page. However, when I then tried to 'reload' the private page,
RestClient.get ''
I am brought back to the login page again, as if I hadn't logged in. So I was wondering if this has to do with something called the session or cookies?
I have used cURL to reproduce this scenario successfully, where I use the switch '-c cookie.txt' to save information about my having already logged in, and use the switch '-b cookie.txt' for each call to tell the remote server about my authenticated-ness. I can understand this concept of like a stamp on your wrist when going in a theme-park or a bar where they know you paid. But I find no mentioning of such a mechanism in RestClient. Any help would be great to solve this. I don't mind trying other http clients, either.