



Are there any good (and preferably free) code coverage tools out there for Perl?

+26  A: 

As usual, CPAN is your friend: Have a look at Devel::Cover

Sherm Pendley
Please don't link to a specific version of a module. Try instead.
Better still, use
Andy Lester
Excellent suggestion! Fixed.
Sherm Pendley
I still think the perldoc link is better in this case, since it shows you the documentation. But the place to debate the merits of these link methods is
In this particular case, I think linking to the distribution is more appropriate, because there are a huge number of modules within it, as well as a tutorial.
Sherm Pendley
+15  A: 

Yes, Devel::Cover is the way to go.

If you develop a module, and use Module::Build to manage the installation, you even have a testcover target:

 perl Build.PL
 ./Build testcover

That runs the whole test suite, and makes a combined coverage report in nice HTML, where you can browser through your modules and watch their coverage.

+9  A: 

As noted, Devel::Cover is your friend, but you'll want to google for it, too. It's documentation is a bit sparse and if you change your environment radically, you'll need to reinstall it because it builds Devel::Cover::Inc with a bunch of information pulled from your environment at the time you install it. This has caused plenty of problems for us at work as we have a shared CPAN environment and if one developer installs Devel::Cover and a different developer tries to run it, strange (and incorrect) results are common.

If you use this module, also check out Devel::CoverX::Covered. This module will capture much of the information which Devel::Cover throws away. It's very handy.

+5  A: 

Moritz discusses how modules built with Module::Build can use Devel::Cover easily.

For modules using ExtUtils::MakeMaker, an extension module exists to invoke the same functionality. Adding the following code before the call to WriteMakefile():

eval "use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Coverage";
if( !$@ ) {
    print "Adding testcover target\n";

... will allow one to run the command 'make testcover' and have Devel::Cover perform its magic.
