AFAIK, there isn't a free code coverage tool for C++.
Is it available on Windows?
2008-09-17 15:01:14
Btw - since I've been asked in the comments: Yes, gcov it's also availabe for windows.
You just have to install the "unix like environment" called cygwin. The gnu-compiler is part of that. It works fine and will compile windows-applications as well.
You may have to write a makefile though.
Nils Pipenbrinck
2008-09-17 15:17:32
You may also want to look at specific tools or options for the testing framework that is being used.
Is there a specific framework you are already using?
Kris Kumler
2008-09-17 17:31:47
I want Free code coveage tool in cpp with linux as a platform ( tool should suuport shared library) plz ans me
Balaji Kotalwar
2010-01-08 12:23:36