



Hi i would like to have the browse list which does NOT support the .net based created website

Please so i can compare the technology before creating it

+5  A: 

ASP.NET web sites emit HTML, CSS and javascript (just like other technologies), and as such should be readable by ALL browsers. The technology used to host the site should have little impact on its consumption by browser clients.

The ony real concern is when non-conforming HTML or CSS is present and the web site doesn't render properly.

Mitch Wheat

ASP.NET is server side, so your answer is any and every web browser.

Chris Clarke
+1  A: 

All of them support ASP.Net. More often you will need to look at the browser market share and all browsers mentioned in the report support ASP.Net very so you can be rest assured that your site will be usable for almost everybody on earth.

alt text

this. __curious_geek