Django has excellent URLConf and URL reverse mapping/matching. I'm looking for a tip/trick to add arbitrary extensions to URLs generated by Django. Sometimes it's nice to see extensions that suggest your brand.
OK, let's assume I want to publish some documents which are available in HTML, PDF, DOC, etc formats. The pattern in urlconf would look like this:
(r"^/docs/(?P<doc_slug>[\w-]+).(?P<ext>\w+)$", myapp.views.view_doc),
and the view:
def view_doc(request, doc_slug, ext):
if ext == "html":
elif ext == "pdf":
return Http404("Document not available in this format")
Alex Lebedev
2010-02-20 16:17:30
+1 Thanks, but not really. But you gave me an idea how to do this.
2010-02-20 17:09:59