I have a Web application crawler_GUI running which has another java project jspider in its buildpath. (I use eclipse galileo)
The GUI uses the jspider project as its backend.
Visit http://i45.tinypic.com/avmszn.jpg for the structure
The JSP creates an instance of the jspider object. First of all I didn't have the classes in the WEB-INF/classes folder and I rectified that error. Now it seems to work, and no errors are shown but none of the tasks are carried out.
Here's the code :
<%@ page import = "net.javacoding.jspider.ESpider, source.Crawler"%>
<%@ page import = "java.net.URL" %>
<%//URL baseURL = new URL(Crawler.SelectedSites.get(0));
URL baseURL = new URL("http://www.buy.com");
ESpider espider = new ESpider(baseURL);
The *s get printed.
public ESpider(URL baseURL) throws Exception {
It doesn't print "test". In fact the parent's constructor isn't even being called. At the same time no errors are displayed either.
How can I fix this?