



lucene-like would be preferred.


+1  A: 

How about python bindings for Lucene?

Ned Deily
+6  A: 

Why you need lucene-like when you can use lucene (PyLucene) :)

It is great and builds against the latest build of lucene

quote from site:

PyLucene is a Python extension for accessing Java Lucene. Its goal is to allow you to use Lucene's text indexing and searching capabilities from Python. It is API compatible with the latest version of Java Lucene, version 2.9.0 as of October 13th, 2009.

PyLucene is not a Lucene port but a Python wrapper around Java Lucene. PyLucene embeds a Java VM with Lucene into a Python process. The PyLucene Python extension, a Python module called lucene, is machine-generated by JCC.

PyLucene is built with JCC, a C++ code generator that makes it possible to call into Java classes from Python via Java's Native Invocation Interface (JNI). Sources for JCC are included with the PyLucene sources.

Anurag Uniyal
thanks for the reply."PyLucene is not a Lucene port but a Python wrapper around Java Lucene. PyLucene embeds a Java VM with Lucene into a Python process."May there be some performance problems?I' ll try it.
I have used it and there aren't performance problems, but that depends on what you expect, we were able to index 1000 docs per sec easily
Anurag Uniyal
+1  A: 

See SolPython and solrpy

What is solrpy?

solrpy is a python client for solr, an enterprise search server built on top of lucene. solrpy allows you to add documents to a solr instance, and then to perform queries and gather search results from solr using your favorite programming language--python.

+1  A: 

You can also check ElasticSearch, it has native JSON interface so integrating with it in python should be simpler. Seems like Simon Willison things it got potential...


How about Sphinx?

It has Python bindings included. I don't have comparision with other solutions like Lucene, but I'm using Sphinx for CRM and it works very well, indexing emails, notes etc.

Tomasz Zielinski

Xapian is an excellent Lucene-alternative, with fairly good Python-bindings, which is also easier to install than pylucene.

Alex Brasetvik