



You have two hypothetical tables:

[id]  [item]  [amount]  [cost]
 1     hat     20        10
 2     shoe    7         45
 3     belt    2         25

TABLE 2 (many to many)
[item]  [color]
 hat     blue
 hat     red
 hat     yellow
 shoe    black
 shoe    white
 etc.    etc.

and when you run a query, you want to output a list that includes all of both data like this:

 hat     20        10      blue, red, yellow
 shoe    7         45      black, white

If the colors weren't present, it'd be a single query to grab all that info from one table and process the array in a loop. But to accommodate TABLE 2 I can think of two ways to do it:

Brute Force: run a query for every single return to get the data from TABLE 2, add commas, and insert it into the results array from TABLE 1, then output HTML table

Ugly Workaround: add a new column to Table 1 and periodically update with strings of data from Table 2 behind the scenes

...there's a better way, right?

+1  A: 

If you are working with MySQL, the GROUP_CONCAT function might interest you.

See for instance this question : Can I concatenate multiple MySQL rows into one field?

Else, the "brute force" solution you described is generally the one that's used -- a possible optimization being to do only 1 query to get lines from the second table that correspond to all lines from the first table at once.

For instance, you'd :

  • do the query to get that data from the first table
  • do one query to get all data from the second table that correspond to data from the first table -- something like select * from table_2 where item in ('hat', 'shoe', 'belt')
  • use a loop on the PHP side to "re-attach" results from the second query to the results from the first one

With this solution, you'll do a bit more work on the PHP side, but only 2 queries -- instead of 1 + (number of lines returned from the first query) ; which is generally much better, when you have lots of lines returned from the first query.

Oooh! I *like* the idea of stripping Table2 in one large query and then having PHP do all the grouping and insertion. Obviously hadn't thought of that! Thank you very much!
Andrew Heath
You're welcome :-) ;; that's a solution I've used a couple of times ; going from O(n) queries to O(constant) often feels nice ^^ *(of course, don't forget to profile both solutions -- but less queries is generally better)*