A good hardware Firewall would be an excellent investment for the company, but might be a little rich for one person. Comodo firewall can be set to a paranoid level, even locking down the registry, and is free.
Install Wireshark on your computer, it will allow you to watch all of the network traffic on your computer, and on a second note will allow you to see how much chatter goes on and shut down unneeded services.
Shut down all unneeded services, every port that is open is one more place for attackers to slip through.
Use paraphrases with special char instead of passwords. It would even be better to have pass cards or fingerprint readers in addition to the paraphrases, not instead of.
Physically lock up all computer towers, switches, and routers in cabinets if possible.
Check the network and replace any hubs, if found, with switches. Hubs are BAD.
If scanners or copiers are on the network, make sure that they are covered with ACL's in the router. Attackers have been known to access networks via dial in modems on copiers.
Lastly, make sure there are no modems on your network.