EDIT: Updated the code so it creates a fake timeline. This code was based on alecmce answer. Just added the possibility of sequencing Tweens. Since your question is about how to replicate class members without a class, using dynamic actionscrip you can pseudo write a class inside a object, and giving you the same syntax when calling the functions. Rephrase: The only propose of doing this is to give you the same syntax. The same functionality can be achieved removing the timeline
example with 2 sequenced twens:
timeline.append( MyClip, 367);
timeline.append( MyClip2, 200 );
(see updated code below)
my 10 minutes clumsy approach:
// updated code
var timeline:Object = new Object();
timeline.memory = new Array();
timeline.append = function (tween_obj:MovieClip, toY:Number){
this.memory.push ([tween_obj, toY]);
timeline.checkTimeline = function (){
if (this.memory[0] != null) {
timeline.startAnimation = function () {
timeline.TweenFeather = function TweenFeather(_do:MovieClip):void
_do.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrame);
var time:Number = 0;
var deltaTime:Number = 1 / stage.frameRate;
var initY:Number = _do.y;
var deltaY:Number = this.memory[0][1] - initY;
function _onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
time += deltaTime;
if (time >= 1)
_do.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrame);
_do.y = timeline.memory[0][1];
_do.y = deltaY * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * time) + 1) + initY;
timeline.append( MyClip, 367);
timeline.append( MyClip2, 200 );
using dynamic actionscript you loose all the good things of as3, don't know how restrict you are about k's.
G luck