Our client provided us with html templates to turn into a Joomla template, problem is their designs are not Joomla Template friendly where a lot of the html design are not consistent with structure.
Currently the only solution we have is applying a template structure pattern that fits the most amount of their design and have seperate joomla templates to take care of the ones that doesn't fit.
We have the generic Joomla Template configured with different positions for each div and assign each article to its respective position in the template.
Some articles though have menu modules within them so our solution is to split the article into two position and define positions for each menu module.
Is this method better than defining module positions within an article content to render menus within an article?
Is there a better way of showing articles in specific div positions than having each article be represented by a module to render in a specific div (position) in a template?
Right now our current way of rendering an article(s) content to a specific position is to create a module (moduleAsArticle) and define that module a position. Create An Article -> Assign A Module To It (moduleAsArticle) -> Define that module a position