So in my game, every 'enemy' movieclip creates a textfield that represents the name of the enemy. The problem is, I want my collision detect engine to detect a collision with the enemy itself, not the textfield.
This is the code that I have currently have on my collision class for detecting a collision with the enemy:
for(var i = 0;i < _enemies.length; i++)
if(CollisionEngine.isColliding(_laser, _enemies[i]._enemyNameTextField, _animation))
else if(CollisionEngine.isColliding(_laser, _enemies[i], _animation))
_animation._killedEnemy = true;
The first if clause checks for a collision with the enemy's text field. The else if checks for a collision with the enemy.
The problem with this current implementation is that if the 'laser' hits the textfield first, passes through it, and hits the enemy, it's not detected as a collision.
Any idea on how I could work around this?