Hello, I will be transmitting purchase info (like CC) to a bank gateway and retrieve the result by using Django thus via Python.
What would be the efficient and secure way of doing this?
I have read a documentation of this gateway for php, they seem to use this method:
$xml= Some xml holding data of a purchase.
$curl = `/usr/bin/curl -s -d 'DATA=$xml' "https://url of the virtual bank POS"`;
$data=explode("\n",$curl); //return value is also an xml, seems like they are splitting by each `\n`
and using the $data, they process if the payment is accepted, rejected etc..
I want to achieve this under python language, for this I have done some searching and seems like there is a python curl application named pycurl yet I have no experience using curl and do not know if this is library is suitable for this task. Please keep in mind that as this transfer requires security, I will be using SSL.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.