Let's say Student is the parent class in an inheritance hierarchy that includes ComputerScienceStudent and ITStudent. Student defines a field called favoriteColors, which is a value-typed collection of Strings. Using the criteria API I'd like to query for all students who list "blue" as one of their favoriteColors.
Here is the relevant java snippet
abstract class Student {
Set<String> favoriteColors = new TreeSet<String>();
I looked at the hibernate documentation found at http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/core/3.3/reference/en/html/querycriteria.html and it looks like something like this might be a start
List students = sess.createCriteria(Student.class)
.add( Restrictions.eq(??????, "blue") )
but I don't know what to fill in as the name of the property since String is not a class I defined (thus the ??????)
I'd really like to avoid using HQL unless there is absolutely no way to do this using criteria. I'd also like to avoid adding sqlRestrictions. I don't think the example API will work because Student is the abstract parent class in an inheritance hierarchy and I can't create a concrete Student to pass in as an example.
Is this possible? Thanks for your time!