I'm looking for a builder for HQL in Java. I want to get rid of things like:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
.append("select stock from ")
.append( Stock.class.getName() )
.append( " as stock where stock.id = ")
.append( id );
I'd rather have something like:
HqlBuilder builder = new HqlBuilder()
.select( "stock" )
.from( Stock.class.getName() ).as( "stock" )
.where( "stock.id" ).equals( id );
I googled a bit, and I couldn't find one.
I wrote a quick & dumb HqlBuilder
that suits my needs for now, but I'd love to find one that has more users and tests than me alone.
Note: I'd like to be able to do things like this and more, which I failed to do with the Criteria API:
select stock
from com.something.Stock as stock, com.something.Bonus as bonus
where stock.someValue = bonus.id
ie. select all stocks whose property someValue
points to any bonus from the Bonus table.