This is a recurring question on many forums, and I have a working solution, but it is ugly. I need to disable buttons after a click to prevent double-submission of a form. I do this by changing the css class, which will disable and dim the image.
Because the JavaScript consists of both litteral and generated parts, and I am mixing client-side ids and server side code, I ended up with 3 functions that do the same. Is there a way I can just have one function that works for all 3 buttons?
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnSubmit" runat="server"
OnClientClick="doSubmitAndDisable();" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click"/>
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnSubmitMore" runat="server"
OnClientClick="doSubmitNextAndDisable();" OnClick="btnSubmitMore_Click"/>
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnSubmitNext" runat="server"
OnClientClick="doSubmitMoreAndDisable();" OnClick="btnSubmitNext_Click"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function doSubmitAndDisable() {
if (typeof(Page_ClientValidate) == 'function' && Page_ClientValidate() == false){
return false;
document.all.<%= btnSubmit.ClientID%>.className = 'disabled';
document.all.<%= btnSubmitNext.ClientID%>.className = 'disabled';
document.all.<%= btnSubmitMore.ClientID%>.className = 'disabled';
<%= ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnSubmit, string.Empty) %>;
function doSubmitNextAndDisable() {
if (typeof(Page_ClientValidate) == 'function' && Page_ClientValidate() == false){
return false;
document.all.<%= btnSubmit.ClientID%>.className = 'disabled';
document.all.<%= btnSubmitNext.ClientID%>.className = 'disabled';
document.all.<%= btnSubmitMore.ClientID%>.className = 'disabled';
<%= ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnSubmitNext, string.Empty) %>;
function doSubmitMoreAndDisable() {
if (typeof(Page_ClientValidate) == 'function' && Page_ClientValidate() == false){
return false;
document.all.<%= btnSubmit.ClientID%>.className = 'disabled';
document.all.<%= btnSubmitNext.ClientID%>.className = 'disabled';
document.all.<%= btnSubmitMore.ClientID%>.className = 'disabled';
<%= ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnSubmitMore, string.Empty) %>;