So my issue is that Ajax.Updater doesn't update the divs I want to update in IE8 when using link_to_remote. Things work correctly in every other browser. The call completes server side, but the html div isn't updated.
My code is as follows:
link_to_remote( d.strftime("%d"), :url => {:action => 'show', :date => d}, :update => {:success => "eventText", :failure => "eventText"}, :complete => "window.location.hash='eventDescription';")
and the resulting html is:
<a onclick="new Ajax.Updater({success:'eventText',failure:'eventText'}, '/event/show?date=2010-02-24', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'get', onComplete:function(request){window.location.hash='eventDescription';}}); return false;" href="#">24</a>
Note: The application has a user structure, and the user is stored in the session.
The rhtml I am trying to render out has an
if session[:user]
block in it. This issue only arises when the user is logged in.