How can you determine if a string is all caps with a regular expression. It can include punctuation and numbers, just no lower case letters.
Why not just use if(string.toUpperCase() == string)? ._. Its more "elegant"...
I think you're trying to force in RegExp, but as someone else stated, I don't think this is the best use of regexp...
2010-02-24 05:58:24
How do you use that, for example, to extract all satisfactory lines with a `grep`?
Alex Martelli
2010-02-24 06:00:37
The string contains a lowercase letter if the expression /[a-z]/
returns true, so simply perform this check, if it's false you have no lowercase letters.
Mark E
2010-02-24 05:58:32
if ( preg_match ("/[a-z]/",$str ) ){
echo "Lowercase found\n";
2010-02-24 06:06:52
If you want to match the string against another regex after making sure that there are no lower case letters, you can use positive lookahead.
For example, to make sure that first and last characters are alpha-numeric:
2010-02-24 07:05:50