I have the methods:
public MyReturnType MyMethod(Class1 arg)
public MyReturnType MyMethod(Class2 arg)
public MyReturnType MyMethod(ClassN arg)
decimal, string, DateTime in [Class1, ... , ClassN]
and one common method:
public MyReturnType MyMethod(object obj)
if(obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");
if(obj is MyClass1)
return MyMethod((Class1)obj);
if(obj is MyClass2)
return MyMethod((Class2)obj);
if(obj is MyClassN)
return MyMethod((ClassN)obj);
return MyMethod(obj.ToString()); //MyMethod(string) implemented.
How can i refactor this code? I can use attributes and component model, something like this:
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public Type Type { get; set; }
public MyReturnType MyMethod(object obj)
if(obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");
var protperty = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this, new Attribute[] { new MyAttribute() })
.Cast<PropertyDescriptor>().FirstOrDefault(x =>
if (protperty != null)
return protperty.GetValue(obj) as MyReturnType;
return MyMethod(obj.ToString());
but it looks quite hard to understand and can create some bugs. For example if somebody declare method like
[MyAttribute(Type = ClassNplus1)]
public NotMyReturnType MyMethod(ClassNplus1 arg);
Any other ideas how to create extensible system, where adding new class is required only to add one method? (add code in one place)