Hi ,
In my question form page, small boxes are display , i dont know what is that ,
how it is displaying ,
I i remve the form tag, that that stupid small box are vanished,
Can u tell me , y small box are displaying.,
Thanks link text
Hi ,
In my question form page, small boxes are display , i dont know what is that ,
how it is displaying ,
I i remve the form tag, that that stupid small box are vanished,
Can u tell me , y small box are displaying.,
Thanks link text
If you are referring to the slightly irregular white space in your bottom image:
those are in the image, they don't come from CSS.
I can't see anything else wrong with the page (Firefox 3.6, IE8, Windows 7).
in which browser do you see these 'small boxes'?
In IE6 en IE7 it looks fine.