sometimes we use global variables in our biztalk configuration called BTSNTSvc.exe, we add these with the following code:
<!--<add key="ZNA_Integratie_Prestaties_OasisProxy_OasisServiceProxy_Service" value="http://localhost/service.asmx" />-->
<add key="IPSdatum" value="20090101" />
Using the following c# code we can read in the value:
Now normally we when we add a webreference to our biztalk projects we use them through ports, however a collegue of mine used an in code webreference and so added one to a c# class project, so this means there's an app.config where the address is being held. However when we deploy our project there isn't an app.config of course. Only the BTSNTSvc.exe.config. I heard there is a way to add a key value to this config which can refer to the app.config value.
Can anyone help me out here?
Thx a lot