



As part of a solution containing many projects, I have a project that references (via a <ProjectReference> three other projects in the solution, plus some others). In the AfterBuild, I need to copy the outputs of 3 specific dependent projects to another location.

Via various SO answers, etc. the way I settled on to accomplish that was:

        Condition="'%(Name)'=='ProjectA' OR '%(Name)'=='ProjectB' OR '%(Name)'=='ProjectC'">
        <Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="DependentAssemblies" />
    <Copy SourceFiles="@(DependentAssemblies)" DestinationFolder="XX" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" />

However, I ran into problems with this. The <MSBuild step's IncrementalClean task ends up deleting a number of the outputs of ProjectC. When running this under VS2008, a build.force file being deposited in the obj/Debug folder of ProjectC which then triggers ProjectC getting rebuilt if I do a Build on the entire solution if the project containing this AfterBuild target, whereas if one excludes this project from the build, it [correctly] doesn't trigger a rebuild of ProjectC (and critically a rebuild of all dependents of ProjectC). This may be VS-specific trickery in this case which would not occur in the context of a TeamBuild or other commandline MSBuild invocation (but the most common usage will be via VS so I need to resolve this either way)

The dependent projects (and the rest of the solution in general) have all been created interactively with VS, and hence the ProjectRefences contain relative paths etc. I've seen mention of this being likely to causing issues - but without a full explanation of why, or when it'll be fixed or how to work around it. In other words, I'm not really interested in e.g. converting the ProjectReference paths to absolute paths by hand-editing the .csproj.

While it's entirely possible I'm doing something stupid and someone will immediately point out what it is (which would be great), be assured I've spent lots of time poring over /v:diag outputs etc. (although I havent tried to build a repro from the ground up - this is in the context of a relatively complex overall build)


My current workaround is based on this SO question, i.e, I have:

        <DependentAssemblies Include="

This however will break under TeamBuild (where all the outputs end up in one directory), and also if the names of any of the outputs of the dependent projects change.

EDIT: Also looking for any comments on whether there's a cleaner answer for how to make the hardcoding slightly cleaner than:

        <_TeamBuildingToSingleOutDir Condition="'$(TeamBuildOutDir)'!='' AND '$(CustomizableOutDir)'!='true'">true</_TeamBuildingToSingleOutDir>


Ruben Bartelink

You may protect your files in ProjectC if you call a target like this first:

  <Target Name="ProtectFiles">
    <ReadLinesFromFile File="obj\ProjectC.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt">
        <Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="_FileList"/>
    <CreateItem Include="@(_DllFileList)" Exclude="File1.sample; File2.sample">
        <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="_FileListWitoutProtectedFiles"/>
Jon B
Firstly, thanks/congrats on choosing this puzzler as your first ever SO answer! I personally would be reticent about introducing a dependency on the internals of MSBuild of this nature but yes, this would certainly allow me to achieve the "what files did it write" programmatically! There are a few other "compute the outputs" questions here on SO that this might fit better as an answer to. The main issue here for me is that the `<MSBuild` bit is still messing it's own dependencies up and erroneously causing a build directly after my first one to go rebuilding stuff it has just built.
Ruben Bartelink
+1  A: 

Your original solution should work simply by changing




The GetTargetPath target simply returns the TargetPath property and doesn't require building.

+1 Thanks, not in a position to verify it definitely worked (lots of water under the bridge since !), but seems a very viable and clean approach.
Ruben Bartelink