Hey guys!
I have the following code in SQL (2005) which calculates the avarage user logins on a systm:
user_total as
select COUNT(distinct ID) as counter
FROM [dbo].[LOG]
where [LOG].DESCRIPTION='Login success.'
Convert(datetime,convert(char(10),[LOG].CREATED_ON,101)) BETWEEN '2009-01- 01' AND '2009-12-31'
USER_avg as
select counter/365 as Avarage_Daily_Logins
from user_total
select *
from USER_avg
Now the problem is when i put this in a VBA macro in excel to get the result in a spcific cell in strSQL = "QUERY SHOWN ABOVE HERE" argument i get the error in excel
incorrect sysntax near the keyword with
Its worth mentioning that i dont break the code in VBA in multiple lines..i have it all in one line.