Eval is evil unless you really know what you're doing (think of it as an unshielded thermonuclear nuke -- sure you could handle one if you had to, and it might even save the world, but you'd be better off leaving it as a last resort, and let the nuclear physicists deal with it.)
You could put your all_objects.pl
code into a module, and then use the module on the command line:
put this into AllObjects.pm:
package AllObjects;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub get_all_objects
# code here...
Now on the command line:
perl -I. -MAllObjects -wle'for my $obj (AllObjects::get_all_objects()) { print "object is $obj" }'
However, it's not really clear what you are trying to achieve with the overall design.
You can read more about perl command-line invokation at perldoc perlrun, and making modules at perldoc perlmod (as well as many posts here on Stack Overflow).