I'm going to try to give as much detail as possible here, pardon me if some is irrelevant. I have two projects in eclipse. Project 1: com.myworkplace.parent, with code in the package of the same name. Project 2: com.myworkplace.child, with code in package of the same name (I moved my code to that package, from the default package, if that makes a difference). Both are located in my workspace folder and structured the way you'd expect them to be, as far as I can tell.
I've added child to the build path of parent in eclipse using Java Build Path -> Projects -> Add. Parent's .classpath file contains the entry:
<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/com.myworkplace.child"/>
I add a reference to a com.myworkplace.child.Child class in parent, import it, compile it with no errors, run and get:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/myworkplace/child/Child
What gives?
Edit: The parent application is an RCP app, maybe OSGI (I really don't know much about RCP and related stuff.) Some googling leads me to believe it might have something to do with this.