




I'm trying to parse a number of text records where elements in a record are separated by a '+' char, and where the entire record is terminated by a '#' char. For example E1+E2+E3+E4+E5+E6#

Individual elements can be required or optional. If an element is optional, its value is simply missing. For example, if E2 were missing, the input string would be: E1++E3+E4+E5+E6#.

When dealing with empty trailing elements, however, the separator char ('+') may be missing as well. If, for example, the last 3 elements were missing, the string could be: E1+E2+E3#, but it could also be: E1+E2+E3+++#

I have tried the following rule in Antlr:

'R1' 'E1 + E2 + E3' '+'? 'E4'? '+'? 'E5'? '+'? 'E6'? '#

but Antlr complains that it's ambiguous which of course is correct (every token following E3 could be E4, E5 or E6). The input syntax is fixed (it's from a legacy mainframe system), so I was wondering if anybody has a solution to this problem ?

An alternative would be to specify all the different permutations in the rule, but that would be a major task.

Best regards and thanks,



If this is ambiguous, it's likely because your Es all have the same format (a more complicated case would be that your Es all just start with the same k characters where k is your lookahead, but I'm going to assume that's not the case. If it is, this will still work; it will just require an extra step.)

So it looks like you can have up to 6 Es and up to 5 +s. We'll say a "segment" is an optional E followed by a + - you can have 5 segments, and an optional trailing E.

This grammar can be represented roughly like this (imperfect ANTLR syntax since I'm not very familiar with it):

r : (e_opt? PLUS){1,5} e_opt? END
e_opt : E  // whatever your E is
PLUS : '+'
END : '#'

If ANTLR doesn't support anything like {1,5} then this is the same as:

(e_opt? PLUS) ((e_opt? PLUS) ((e_opt? PLUS) ((e_opt? PLUS) (e_opt? PLUS)?)?)?)?

which is not that clean, so maybe there is a nicer way to do it.

`{a,b}` isn't supported by ANTLR.
Bart Kiers
Hey Bart,That's a great tip - thanks for your time, I really appreciate it.Brgds and thanks,Michael
Michael Gaihede
Comment should have been to "danben" - thanks. But you're right Bart. Antlr's reggular expression support could have been better.
Michael Gaihede
+1  A: 

That task sounds like excessive overkill for ANTLR, any reason you're just not splitting the string into an array using the '+' as a separator?

If it's coming from a mainframe, it most likely was intended to be processed in a trivial way.

C++ : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strtok/
PHP : http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php
Java: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#split%28java.lang.String%29
C# : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.split%28VS.71%29.aspx

Just a thought.

Walt Stoneburner
Given that we have no idea how his expression values (Es) parse, regular expressions may not be appropriate.
Hi Walt,It's more complicated than the question suggests with a range of different messages, data structures etc., but thanks anyway.Brgds,Michael
Michael Gaihede