Regular Expression for matching string like:
Regular Expression for matching string like:
It sounds as simple as:
the .*
matches any_string until the \+
matches a "+" symbol.
If any_string
would not contain the delimiter character >
, you can easily do that using:
, $2
and $3
in the match would contain the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd strings respectively. This regex doesn't allow empty strings - change ([^>]+)
to ([^>]*)
to allow empty strings between <
and >
here's a non-regex way. In your favourite language, split on "+", check the length of array to be 3. pseudocode:
s = split(mystring,"+")
if length(s) = 3 then
end if
To be more "accurate", split on ">+<"
This matches S+S+S
where all three occurrences of S
is the same string, which is <
and >
surrounding any (possibly empty) string:
In other words, this matches:
But it doesn't match
must be surrounded by <
and >
; it can contain +
. So this matches: