I have a Android project for SDK1.5 and now I want to convert it for SDK2.1 with some constant changes for the UI. Should I create a complete new Project or the existing project can be manipulated for including the lastest changes. I'm using Eclipse for Development.
You can use reflection and conditional class loading in many cases to allow you to support multiple API versions in a single app.
2010-02-25 12:58:47
Please give some more light on this issue
y ramesh rao
2010-02-25 13:41:50
I linked to two projects that demonstrate the techniques. The techniques have nothing to do with Android -- they are standard Java.
2010-02-25 14:14:07
Ya with this I can change the code related things but some of my resources are also different with the related the SDK versions so how can that dependency be removed.
y ramesh rao
2010-02-26 06:54:00
By using version resource sets (e.g., -v4 limits resources to be used by API 4 and above). http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/resources-i18n.html#AlternateResources
2010-02-26 12:14:43
i'm creating a two folder like res/drawable/v3 and res/drawable/v7 but the same things are reflected under R.java so therefore I'm not able to use it in any way.
y ramesh rao
2010-02-26 12:54:42
Those are not the correct directory names. Please read the Web page that I linked to.
2010-02-26 13:09:37
Ya @CommonsWare found solution and working fine thanks for replying and addressing the issue.
y ramesh rao
2010-02-28 03:06:05