



Hello, I've recently started learning PHP, but I have a wide knowledge on C++. I've been wondering how to make a web bot and now, I would greatly like to make one. I won't be using this robot for spamming or anything, just as a test of what PHP/C++ can do online. I was wondering how I could go about doing this and if you have any articles/tutorials that would be helpful.

Thanks, John


Look into the following

Hint: On larger execution times, you might want to look into set_time_limit

Filip Ekberg
Could I please have more information? This just isn't enough!I'll check into them though.
It's as good as it's going to get! :)
Filip Ekberg

I'd recommend you to use Python, way better than C++ when it comes to developing applications like the one you're trying to achieve. Remember that web bot/crawlers are I/O bound, not CPU bound, so the performance difference between a language like C/C++ against Python would be almost none.
