




Few months I've started learning ASP.NET MVC 1.0. Although hard in the beginning, now I've made huge progress so that I'm working on something serious I can show to my colleagues. But, now MVC 2 is almost out there.

Now I would like to know if MVC 1.0 and MVC 2 are profoundly different. In fact, I wonder if I need (first) to finish what I am into or (secondly) I need to stop everything and learn first MVC 2.

To illustrate my point, I'd say: Is migrating from MVC 1.0 to MVC 2 the same scale as migrating from Web Form to MVC 1.0

Thanks for helping.

+2  A: 

There is no such thing as migrating from MVC1 to MVC2.

As the later one is an upgraded version, you will only need to learn new features, introduced with it, like

For instance, if you are using .Net Framework 4.0, later on, when version 4.5 or 5.0 comes in, you are not going to migrate! but learn new features in that

Asad Butt
Wrong, they are BREAKING CHANGES. And it's really a mess when you have a 1-year-old application that constantly evolved. Like Added features with the same names as custom developped features, things that does not work anymore (LinkBuilder.BuildUrlFromExpression), etc.In fact, I migrated to .Net 4.0 in the same time and my application could not work at all, I had to re-ntegrate it into a new project class by class, spending 2 days in something that I hoped to be painless...To answer the question : NO, if you developped simple things accordingly to the 'Microsoft-way' of doing things it'OK
+2  A: 

They are not profoundly different. Everything you learnt so far on 1.0 is applicable in 2.0. You could start looking at 2.0 new features though. Quote from Scott Gu's blog:

ASP.NET MVC 2 is the next significant update of ASP.NET MVC. It is a compatible update to ASP.NET MVC 1 – so all the knowledge, skills, code, and extensions you already have with ASP.NET MVC continue to work and apply going forward

Darin Dimitrov
+2  A: 

MVC2 is not a huge leap from MVC1. Most likely your code will run fine on MVC2 as is, with only minor tweaks here and there

here is a guide:


As MVC2 is still a Release Candidate you should check the polices of your company, otherwise I dont think you would have any problem using MVC2, since everything from MVC1 still works on 2. And you get the beneffits of MVC2.
