





i want to achieve the following task: I want to configure ivy so that it fetches a war file from my maven repository. I have another project which will be deployed before doing this task so basicly it is guranteed that there is a folder with several files including the war. if i use the following example configuration everything works fine:

    <dependency org="com.example" name="MyExample" rev="" changing="true" transitive="false">
        <artifact name="MyExample" type="war"/>

Assuming there is the following structure ${path to my repository}/com/example/MyExample/

Allrigth for now this is ok. What i want is to be able to use an dynamic rev definition. For example i could have the following folders,, and so on. I want that the highest should get picked. What i've tried so far is rev="1.0.0.+" which ended in an build fail error with the following message: com.examples#MyExample;1.0.0.+ not found. I've also tried several things like lastest.integration, latest.snapshot, latest.release. All of them did not work, it seems to be an simple task but i can't figure it out.

Some background information: I've set up an ibiblio resolver with changingPattern=".*SNAPSHOT" and my repository is an maven2 repo. (Using ivy 2.1.0)

Would be nice if someone could help me out. thx.