




Hi there, I need to develop two similar projects so, after I developed the first one, I copied the project folder, I renamed the folder, I renamed the project with the Project->Rename... function. Everything works fine but when I run&debug my second project I see that the first one project disappear and it is substituted by the second one. Even on the /Users//Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications the first one folder is deleted and the second one is created. I suppose that the two projects still share some info so they are builded to the same target (of course the XCode Targets are different). Same behavior with a real device.

Where is the mistake?



You didn't update your PRODUCT_NAME in your build settings. This is what EXECUTABLE_NAME is based on, which is what's causing your problem.

Rob Napier
Yes I have thought about it but inside my app Target Info the value of the key "Product Name" (inside the Packaging group) is different.I supposed that this value is the one used inside the info.plist file for the ${PRODUCT_NAME} and ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} variables.Is this the mistake?If it is, where I have to change those values?Thanks.
Oscar Peli
I FOUND IT!It needs to change even the "Bundle identifier" inside the info.plist!
Oscar Peli

You can try to use the first project as a project template to the second project. Here is an outline of the steps needed: http://guides.macrumors.com/Creating_Xcode_project_templates
