


trait NotNull {}

I've been trying to see how this trait can guarantee that something is not null and I can't figure it out:

def main(args: Array[String]) {
  val i = List(1, 2) 
  foo(i) //(*)

def foo(a: Any) = println(a.hashCode)

def foo(@NotNull a: Any) = println(a.hashCode) //compile error: trait NotNull is abstract

def foo(a: Any with NotNull) = println(a.hashCode) //compile error: type mismatch at (*)


val i = new Object with NotNull //compile-error illegal inheritance

There is obviously some special compiler treatment going on because this compiles:

trait MyTrait {}

def main(args: Array[String]) {
  val i: MyTrait = null

Whereas this does not:

def main(args: Array[String]) {
  val i: NotNull = null //compile error: found Null(null) required NotNull

EDIT: there's nothing about this I can find in programming in Scala

+2  A: 

Try and error:

scala> class A extends NotNull
defined class A

scala> val a : A = null
<console>:5: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Null(null)
 required: A
       val a : A = null

scala> class B
defined class B

scala> val b : B = null
b: B = null

This works only with Scala 2.7.5:

scala> new Object with NotNull
res1: java.lang.Object with NotNull = $anon$1@39859

scala> val i = new Object with NotNull
i: java.lang.Object with NotNull = $anon$1@d39c9f

And the Scala Language Reference:

If that member has a type which conforms to scala.NotNull, the member’s valuemust be initialized to a value different from null, otherwise a scala.UnitializedError is thrown.

For every class type T such that T <: scala.AnyRef and not T <: scala.NotNull one has scala.Null <: T.

Thomas Jung
The corollary to this is, then. Why do scala's own classes (such as `List` not extend the `NotNull` trait?
And the other question, which is "do you use this trait?"
If you're implementing Scala traits in Java (and other languages) the NotNull trait will be ignored. Another aspect is that a @NotNull annotation and static code analysis will be in Java 7. Don't see other reasons not to use it in Scala libs.
Thomas Jung
Do you use this trait? No. Have missed this part of the question.
Thomas Jung
+6  A: 

NotNull is not yet finished. The intention is to evolve this into a usable way to check for non-nullness but it's not yet there. For the moment I would not use it. I have no concrete predictions when it will be done, only that it won't arrive for 2.8.0.

Martin Odersky
Am I right in saying it's been in the library/language since 2.5? It doesn't reflect well that there are features in scala that just don't work.