




I have a SSRS report which displays the data in hierarchical format. When I export it to excel I want the report to be exported in hierarchical format with having +/- signs.

Can anyone help me how this could be done?


Its all in the groupings.

If your report has parent groups and some kind of visibility logic embedded, it will carry over to excel.

A quick and easy way to do this as a proof of concept is to do a report wizard and just give it an easy query that you can group.

The key though is to let the report do the grouping, not the underlying SQL itself.

Scott Root


I created a simple report project as per the step stated in this link: Show recursive data in RDLC And used the visibility tab to toggle the visibility at EmployeeId cell.

This generates a report where I can do the maximize/minimize of rows to drilldown. But when I export it to excel, the drilldown functionality is lost. It exports it in the flat format.

The report renders like this:

alt text

Can anyone suggest why while exporting to excel the grouping is not migrated to excel.
