We have some code on production which is effectively doing what this code does:
This works fine, however I have noticed some concerning behaviour.
When a servlet is requested and some image data is returned to the browser via a ServletOutputStream, if another request is triggered before the image has finished painting itself on the screen, this will invariably crash the entire Jaguar server with the following trace:
j com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.JaguarConnection.writeClient([BII)V+0 j com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.JagHttp11OutputStream.writeChunk()V+92 j com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.JagHttp11OutputStream.writeOut()V+57 j com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.ResponseImpl.flushBuffer(Z)V+93 j com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.ResponseImpl.flushBuffer()V+17 j com.sybase.jaguar.servlet.JaguarOutputStream.flush()V+19 j javax.imageio.stream.FileCacheImageOutputStream.close()V+50 j javax.imageio.stream.ImageInputStreamImpl.finalize()V+8
I have found a couple of references online saying that what I am trying to do is unreliable, ie:
However, to be honest, I am unclear as to what the EDT is.
Has anyone come across this issue, and been able to create a workaround for it?