In perl, I have a string that roughly looks like
my $str = "one 10 two 20 three 30";
Now, I'd like to split that string into word-number pairs, but have no success.
I thought I could do a
my @pairs = split /([a-z]+[^a-z]+)/, $str;
and would then have
$pairs[0] eq 'one 10 '
$pairs[1] eq 'two 20 '
$pairs[2] eq 'three 30'
However, I get
$pairs[0] eq ' '
$pairs[1] eq 'one 10 '
$pairs[2] eq ' '
$pairs[3] eq 'two 20 '
$pairs[4] eq ' '
$pairs[5] eq 'three 30'
Now, I can use grep for my desired result:
my @pairs = grep {$_ =~ /\S/} split /([a-z]+[^a-z]+)/, $str;
But I was wondering if there was a more elegant solution to this problem.