




hi every one i am trying to echo session id i saw that each time refreshing the page it chang thats why i cant login .

please any one suggest wht prob should be there


Difficult to say, but here are a couple of things to check

  • Check that your browser accepts session cookies
  • Check in php_info() that the session module is enabled
  • Make sure you call session_start() in your script
  • Try the "Web developer" extension for Firefox:
    • In the "Cookies" tab, make sure that nothing is disabled
    • Still in the same tab, have a look at the "View cookie information" and check that the PHPSESSID cookie is properly set (or the one you set if you haved changed its name)
Benoit Vidis

As the alternative, since using CodeIgniter, I have left the PHP build-in session and using the one provided by CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter using cookies to save the session data. It can also saved to the database transparently, and can be encrypted to hide the session content. Without encryption, the session itself have security to prevent unauthorized change of session data. So far I'm happy with it.

Donny Kurnia