The shortest you could get away with in theory is:
frobnicate (function
| 0x01 -> gets , a_record_uuid
| 0x02 -> gets , a_group
Of course, you will be foiled by OCaml because 1° there are no "pointer to member" constructs in Objective Caml, so you would have to write fun a s -> a.a_record_uuid <- s
instead of a_record_uuid
(at the very least) and 2° the type system does not fully support existential quantification, so that the return type of the function cannot be the expected:
exists 'a. int -> (unit -> record * 'a) * ('a -> record -> unit)
I guess you could solve 1° by having named functinos for setting values in a record, if you happen to do that often enough:
type complex = { re : int ; im : int }
let re r c = { c with re = r }
let im r c = { c with im = i }
It's a bit unorthodox, I guess, but it usually pays off later on because I tend to use them in most functional situations. You could create the equivalent in imperative style, or you could accept the overhead of a function (it only adds around 20 characters).
As or 2°, it can be solved by hiding the existential quantifier in a function:
let t e read write = let c, x = read () in write x e ; `More_record c
This would let you go down to:
let t = t a in
| 0x01 -> t gets a_record_uuid
| 0x02 -> t gets a_title
I wouldn't be surprised if CamlP4 supported some kind of sugar for assignment functions. In the mean time, if you use references instead of mutable fields, you can shorten this up (because references are first class values, fields are not):
let t read reference = let c, x = read () in reference := x ; `More_record c
| 0x01 -> t gets a.a_record_uuid