I am referencing a DLL in my C# project as follows:
[DllImport("FeeCalculation.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall,
CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public static extern void FeeCalculation(string cin, string cout, string flimit,
string frate, string fwindow, string fincrement, string fbird,
string fparameter, string fvalidation, string fcoupon);
The FeeCalculation function is exported as follows in the DLL:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall FeeCalculation(char *cin,
char *cout, char *flimit, char *frate,
char *fwindow, char *fincrement, char *fbird,
char *fparameter, char *fvalidation, char *fcoupon);
The DLL function returns a reference to it's internal structures in the form of char * so if you were to reference this DLL in C++, you would do the following to do the calculation and get the returned structures:
FeeCalculation(buff, (char *)&fans, (char *)fl, (char *)ft, (char *)fw, (char *)fi, (char *)fe, (char *)&fm, (char *)val, (char *)cpn);
Now, how do I retrieve those values that are returned by reference using C#? Meaning, how do I do the same thing in C# to get the returned structures to get my returned calculation? I know I need to create an unsafe method, but I am unclear on how to deal with the memory addresses in C# like you would in C++.
Edit: Below states to use IntPtr but how do you place into identical structure so the fields of the structure can be referenced?
Edit: Here is the returned structure that I am interested in (cout):
struct feeAnswer {
unsigned int fee;
unsigned int tax1;
unsigned int tax2;
unsigned int tax3;
unsigned int tax4;
unsigned int surcharge1;
unsigned int surcharge2;
unsigned int validationFee;
unsigned int couponFee1;
unsigned int couponFee2;
unsigned int couponFee3;
unsigned int couponFee4;
unsigned short int dstay; //Day Stay
unsigned short int mstay; //Minute Stay
Here is the (cin) that I would pass along with other structures (they are zero byte at the moment, I want to get this to work first then I will implement the rest):
struct feeRequest {
unsigned char day;
unsigned char month;
unsigned int year; //2000 ~ 2099
unsigned char hour;
unsigned char minute;
unsigned char rate;
unsigned char validation;
unsigned char coupon1;
unsigned char coupon2;
unsigned char coupon3;
unsigned char coupon4;