I was wondering if the following is common for "regular" Java applications when receiving callback/events. Those callbacks may be triggered by user input but also by other means so it is not only related to UI events:
public void handleEvent( @NotNull final SomeEvent e ) {
final boolean process;
synchronized ( this ) {
process = !e.equals(filter);
filter = e;
if ( process ) {
Basically under some complicated scheme (very complex UI involving several views of a same model and where the user can modify the model from different screens [like in complex 3D programs]) I've got lots of events firing and I've noticed that I could filter out duplicate events using the above snippet. If an event has been processed and the next event to come is exactly identical to the last processed event (saved in the filter
reference), then the event/callback is simply ignored.
It works fine. I was wondering if filtering out duplicate events was a common technique?