I am trying to identify all the nodes in a tree that lead to a specific node.
I am trying to accomplish this through either MSSQL XML (2005) or by the Microsoft.XMLDOM in ASP classic.
I know the logic with XPATH but SQL Server does not support the ancestor-or-self
axis and XMLDOM seems to choke on the ::
The xpath that works when i test it in XPATH testers is
my XML (generated recursively in sql server) looks like
<static id="1" title="some title 1" />
<static id="2" title="some title 2">
<static id="3" title="some title 3" />
<static id="4" title="some title 4">
<static id="5" title="some title 5" />
<static id="6" title="some title 6" />
<static id="7" title="some title 7" />
the XPATH should select nodes with id (2,4,6) in any order, so i can add an attribute to all of them ..
This is for a menu system, where i only know the selected leaf, and need to mark as hilited all the nodes leading to it..
I would appreciate any assistance in either overcoming the XMLDOM choking
(running xml.documentElement.selectNodes("//static[@id=6]/ancestor-or-self::static")
produces the following error: Expected token 'eof' found ':'. //static[@id=6]/ancestor-or-self-->:<--:static
or with finding an alternative solution. Maybe finding all nodes that contain the specific node (with id = 6 ) at any depth..