3,579,545 is the magic number. That's the clock frequency at which the original timer chip in the original IBM PC ran at. The number wasn't chosen by accident, it is the frequency of the color burst signal in the TV system used in the US and Japan. The IBM engineers were looking for a cheap crystal to implement the oscillator, nothing was cheaper than the one used in every TV set.
Once IBM clones became widely available, it was still important for their designers to choose the same frequency. At lot of MS-Dos software relied on the timer ticking at that rate. Directly addressing the chip was a common crime.
That changed once Windows came around. A version of Windows 2 was the first to virtualize the timer. In other words, the software wasn't directly talking to the timer chip anymore, an attempt to use the I/O instruction to address the timer chip was trapped and the return value was faked by software.
The Win32 API (Windows NT 3.1 and Windows 95) formalized access to the timer with an API, QueryPerformanceCounter() and QueryPerformanceFrequency(). A kernel level component, the Hardware Adaption Layer, allows the BIOS to pass that frequency. Now it was possible for the hardware designers to really drop the dependency on the exact frequency. That took a long time btw, around 2000 the vast majority of machines still had the legacy rate.
But the never-ending quest to cut costs in PC design put an end to that. Nowadays, the hardware designer just picks any frequency that happens to be readily available in the chipset. 3,325,040,000 would be such a number, it is most probably the CPU clock rate. High frequencies like that are common in cheap designs, especially the ones that have an AMD core. Your number is pretty unusual, maybe your machine wasn't cheap.