
Elapsed time without considering weekends and bank holidays in Java

I've implemented a stopwatch that works fine without considering that bank holidays and weekends shouldn't be counted in the total duration. I was looking for some open-source library where I could get the elapsed time, passing a start instant, end instant and a set of bank holidays (weekends aren't counted in). The only library that mak...

stopwatch accuracy

How accurate is System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch? I am trying to do some metrics for different code paths and I need it to be exact. Should I be using stopwatch or is there another solution that is more accurate. I have been told that sometimes stopwatch gives incorrect information. ...

.NET Stopwatch Class limitations

This may not be an entirely not a .NET related question. I am writing a .NET application to control some gadgets. I send commands to the gadget periodically (say every 500 milliseconds). As soon as I send the command I start a timer. (.NET stopwatch class) If the gadget not respond within say, 10 milliseconds, I send the command again. ...

What, if any, is the resource penalty for using System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch?

For example foo() //Some operation bound by an external resource. db,I/O, whatever. vs. var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); foo() var time = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds watch.Stop(); ...

System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch returns negative numbers in Elapsed... properties

Is it normal behaviour that Stopwatch can return negative values? Code sample below can be used to reproduce it. while (true) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); sw.Stop(); if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 0) Debugger.Break(); } The only place whe...

Are StopWatch.ElapsedTicks and StopWatch.Elapsed.Ticks always the same?

What does ElapsedTicks and Elapsed.Ticks in the StopWatch class mean? When could the meaning be different than intended? ...

How accurate is Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan)?

I've come across a unit test that is failing intermittently because the time elapsed isn't what I expect it to be. An example of what this test looks like is: Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); TimeSpan oneSecond = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { Thread.Sleep(oneSecond); } stopwatch.Stop();...

Stopwatch not incrementing

I don't understand why this code fails to measure when 4 hours has elapsed. if (guildVaultRunStarter.IsRunning) { if (guildVaultRunTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000) // 4 hours { guildVaultRunStarter.Reset(); log("Its been over 4 hours - empty bags."); return true;...

How do i get from Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() to a DateTime?

Duplicate of: How to get timestamp of tick precision in .NET / C#? How do i get from Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() to a DateTime Assume Stopwatch.IsHighResolution is true ...

Need multiple independent timers in Ajax

I need the ability to create up to N amount timers in JavaScript/Ajax that will count like a stopwatch(but have no buttons). Another issue is that my data will be loaded via another Ajax request so the page will constantly be updating. I'm not sure how I would be able to keep a timer's correct value when that happens. Thanks! ...

C# *Strange* problem with StopWatch and a foreach loop

I have the this code: var options = GetOptions(From, Value, SelectedValue); var stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (Option option in options) { stringBuilder.Append("<option"); stringBuilder.Append(" value=\""); stringBuilder.Append(option.Value); stringBuilder.Append("\""); if (opti...

C# 2.0 Execution Time Timer

I would like to be able to calculate the amount of time a number of functions take to execute. I was thinking about using some type of stopwatch class. I can call start/stop before and after each function call, however that seems horribly ugly to me. Is there a way to do this without a stopwatch class? Can something in the Reflections c...

ObjectDisposedException - running stopwatch in GUI thread

I have a stopwatch running in a different thread, that updates the GUI thread in a label to show as time goes by. When my program closes, it throws a ObjectDisposedException when I call this.Invoke(mydelegate); in the Form GUI to update the label with the time from the stopwatch. How do I get rid of this ObjectDisposedException? I...

Should I use Ajax Timer?

I want to have a stopwatch on the site, which displays running time on the label without reloading a page. Is it possible to do this on client side? Should I use Ajax timer or smth else from .net? Website is in C#. Some links or demos would be really helpful ! Thanks ! ...

Why is my Stopwatch.Frequency so low?

Debug.WriteLine("Timer is high-resolution: {0}", Stopwatch.IsHighResolution); Debug.WriteLine("Timer frequency: {0}", Stopwatch.Frequency); Result: Timer is high-resolution: True Timer frequency: 2597705 This article (from 2005!) mentions a Frequency of 3579545, a million more than mine. This blog post mentions a Frequency ...

Blackberry stopwatch implementation

I'm trying to write a blackberry app that is basically a stopwatch, and displays lap times. First, I'm not sure I'm implementing the stopwatch functionality in the most optimal way. I have a LabelField (_myLabel) that displays the 'clock' - starting at 00:00. Then you hit the start button and every second the _myLabel field gets updated ...

C# Confusing Results from Performance Test

I am currently working on an image processing application. The application captures images from a webcam and then does some processing on it. The app needs to be real time responsive (ideally < 50ms to process each request). I have been doing some timing tests on the code I have and I found something very interesting (see below). clearL...

Is Stopwatch really broken?

At MSDN page for Stopwatch class I discovered link to interesting article which makes following statement about Stopwatch: However there are some serious issues: This can be unreliable on a PC with multiple processors. Due to a bug in the BIOS, Start() and Stop() must be executed on the same processor to get a correct re...

Can Stopwatch be used in production code?

Hi, I need an accurate timer, and DateTime.Now seems not accurate enough. From the descriptions I read, System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch seems to be exactly what I want. But I have a phobia. I'm nervous about using anything from System.Diagnostics in actual production code. (I use it extensively for debugging with Asserts and PrintLns etc...

How would I go about implementing a stopwatch with different speeds?

Ideally I would like to have something similar to the Stopwatch class but with an extra property called Speed which would determine how quickly the timer changes minutes. I am not quite sure how I would go about implementing this. Edit Since people don't quite seem to understand why I want to do this. Consider playing a soccer game, or...