



When running a Zend application locally I get Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0, i traced that error to a line $startedCleanly = session_start();

I can't get through it, when I restart the server and reload the page I do not get the error, but on every other reload I get it, I looked into a php/tmp dir too see if there are any files, and as I see they aren't there. I think that session isn't written but when I try just a simple test.php file with session_start(); line, without zend framework, I see that there is a file created in that dir.

I really don't know where to go next.


Happens when your destructor or error handler throws an Exception ;) Or just UTFG like me when this happened to me

Tomáš Fejfar
I found that the problem is in session_set_save_handler function which does something and messes session_save(), if I comment out the session_set_save_handler( array(in Session.php in setSaveHandler function everything works fine.
Tomáš Fejfar