You can go about something like this:
<select id="combo1" onchange="requestSend(this.value);">
<select id="combo2">
function requestSend(txt)
data: "v=" + txt,
success: function(response){
Populating Combo2 Options:
To populate combo2 options, you need to create them in the script which process ajax request, for example in php (i don't know which language you are using), i will do something like this in ajax processing script:
// db queries to get data or whatever
// create a variable that will hold options and shown in combo2
$options = '<option value="whatever">whatever</option>' . "\n";
$options .= '<option value="whatever">whatever</option>' . "\n";
$options .= '<option value="whatever">whatever</option>' . "\n";
//........ etc
// Now we send back the $options variable which will populate the combo2
echo $options;